Welcome to your new: Monthly Mastery Training! Each month your fearless leaders, Manning & Harris, will host a virtual training session on various invaluable business topics, challenging you to think out of the box, expand your possibilities, and set you up for (your definition of) success. Our first training session was requested by all of you: 'How To Build A Show'. Please see below for our 8 Step Guideline, and get a notebook and pen ready. Enjoy!
Watch Here:
Step One: Brainstorm with abundance as if you have a million pound budget.
Step Two: Be unapologetically selfish with your creativity (and find your why).
Step Three: Do not share your idea with anyone (yet).
Step Four: Play with no financial strain.
Step Five: Slowly transition into investigating what the ideal audience experience would be.
Step Six: Discover the what, where and who, and collate your resources.
Step Seven: Build the budget.
Step Eight: What is your new first step?
Thanks for tuning in!
Christie Lee Manning
House Of Jazz Company
Loved this - thank you!